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Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2017

I'm really excited to announce that Life Is Magic has been shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2017 in the Best Illustrated category alongside five other brilliant books.  Huge congratulations all,  especially fellow MA Children's Book Illustration graduates Fabi Santiago and Matt Robertson.

Published by those lovely people at Andersen Press now is a good time to thank my editor and art director, Libby and Beccy, who are both fantastic at what they do and brilliant people to work with.  They really helped make this book into the best version of itself.  My lovely agent Helen also deserves a big thank you for helping shape the very first draft into something that was worth putting on a publisher's desk.   This book wouldn't exist without them.

To celebrate there's a jaunty red-lettered cover.

You can read all about the prize and see the full shortlists for every category here.
Congratulations everyone!

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